France's super-swell toy-pop maestro Carton Sonore remixed acapella tracks from one of outsider music's founding texts,Daniel Johnson's"Hi, How Are You?" album, adding his trademark ukulele/musical saw/ocarina sound. Only complaint: too short! More, s'il vous plait.
Carton Sonore - Mini Orchestre Pour Daniel Johnston
(By the way, the latest Cartone Sonore release is 4 bits of spacey loveliness, like Joe Meek on Casios.) And in other outsider music news:
For individual songs, I used to use DivShare, but as it is now apparently kaput, I'll try using Box.com. You can listen, or download by clicking on the downward-pointing arrow in the upper right. Let me know if it works or not, gang!
MsMarilyn Miles "Nice Man"

"Hamster World"
PIck Hit: the doo-woppin'"No, It's A Smiley Love Heart." The family that plays together, stays together.